Pricing Information for Prairie Springs Organic Beef

Beef halves, and split quarters: $3.99 per pound by hanging weight.
Prices include Standard Custom cut and wrap.
Beef Order Agreement


     You will be purchasing a portion of a live animal, we weigh it, and coordinate the cut and wrap for you. In order to confirm a Custom whole, half or quarter order, an approximate 50% deposit will be required. That will be $250 for quarters, and $500 for halves. The deposit becomes non-refundable after the animals are processed. We will send a copy of the order for your signature and ask for the deposit at that time. Processing will begin Sometime in the fall, between September and November. Every year differs, as well as animal size. It is necessary to receive final payment no later than 7 days after slaughter in order to guarantee completion of your order, avoid late fees, and avoid loss of deposit.
     Prices do not include delivery. All Orders are based on a first-come, first serve basis as supplies last. Plan ahead for the year! Orders will be taken all year until September 1. Confirmations will be sent out soon after September 1 and we will request deposits prior to that. We will sell all remaining product until it is gone. It is best to make your reservation in early summer. We will email out a reminder or two, just in case. Please include your address and telephone number with your request.

     Additional contact information is available on the Beef Order Agreement. If you have additional questions or would like to send a deposit. Please also ask to be included on our email contact list.